Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Minister And A Mad

Once a Minister went to the Agra Mental Asylumto see the condition of the mad people kept there. He saw that some mad people had gone from bad to worse and some mad people were improving.

After inspecting some mad people he came to a corner and saw one person who was sitting rather quietly. He went to him and asked him how are you and that person calmly replied I am fine and asked "What about you Sir".

The Minister was quite surprised at the reply. The Minister asked him many questions about General knowledge and to his surprise the mad man answered them all right.

The surprised Minister told him,"you dont seem to be mad then why are you kept here.

The person replied,"kya kare sahab majburi hai".

The minister took out a cigarette packet and took one cigarette and gave the packet to the lunatic. He took out all the cigarettes and peeled the paper cover off and took out all the tobacco and put it on his head and asked the minister for a lighter.

The minister gave him a lighter. He burnt the tobacco on his head, opened his pajamas and asked the Minister,"Sahab Hukkah Peeyenge".


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